I often need a layout with 1 detail and not the top view.
I think I can create a detail of the current view with a macro but anyway, it would be nice to have this in the dialog…
I often need a layout with 1 detail and not the top view.
I think I can create a detail of the current view with a macro but anyway, it would be nice to have this in the dialog…
Hi Martin -
What, specifically, is “this”?
0 - None
1 - Top
1 - Front
1 - Left
1 - Right
1 - Bottom
1 - Back
2 - Top, Front
2 - Top, Back
2 - Top, Left
2 - Top, Right
2 - Front, Right
2 - Front, Back
2 - Front, Left
3 - Top, Front, Right
3 - Top, Back, Left
Something like that?
FWIW, I always start with 1 detail, which is the front view. My “DD” alias is “Detail Add Projection=Front”.
I’m not convinced that looking for the correct combination of views in a long list is a good idea. Also note that you can import layouts from existing (custom template) files.
Thanks @wim yes you’re right, going through a big list of views would be a pain.
I thought maybe a command option to get a detail of the current view and current display mode would be interesting.
Does CopyViewportToDetail do what you want?