WISH : Multiple Curves (MCX) reciprocal output

I wish that the Multiple Curves Intersection (MCX) component had a reciprocal output :

The current output is based on the list of intersection points, giving the indexes of the intersecting curves and corresponding parameters on these curves.

I think it would be also very useful to get :
-A tree of lists of all intersection points for each curve (one branch for each curve)
-A tree of lists of all parameters at intersection points for each curve (one branch for each curve)

I’m trying to do it right now with set management, but still scratching my head.


Here’s what I’ve managed so far.
I noticed that the “iA” index list gives a sorted index list, which allowed me to get point lists for half the curves rather easily, but this doesn’t work for the other half (the “iB” curves).

This could be one way.

MCXSorting_re.gh (11.5 KB)

Hey, thanks ! It works !

I think you can do with only one list of paths because it’s always going to be the same for A and B since a point is always the intersection of a member of the A list and the B list.