Wish: move/copy with type "/2" to move half way of snap

Hi, I often snap need to place something between two snap points and would like for Rhino to handle fractions of a distance. Now we can type in the distance and that is great, and I can read out the distance from the first snap to the second and then divide that number in my head and type it in before snapping to the second point, but this isn’t accurate or it is slow. So if I could type in /2 (or any other fraction) then that would be great. Or *2 if I need it to move further than the second snap point.

Example: Add a circle to the center of the 4 crossing lines:
Add the circle to a intersection, hit move, snap to intersection, type /2 enter, drag to second intersection and click.

The workaround is obviously to make a temporary line and snap to the midpoint and delete the line. So I guess not everybody sees the benefit, but I have often wished for this option.

Thanks for listening.

Edit: The ability to “store” a move distance, or copy it to memory in a way so I can reuse it, would also be great. That way we could drag the distance, copy it, paste it and use /2 after for Rhino to do the calculation. This would also be great in other situations where i want to move multiple things with the same distance, but in different directions. (When designing we often want to drag things until they look and feel right, not thinking too much about numbers).

I don’t know if that makes sense, but I often use “line” to measure things, just type line, snap to first evaluation point, hover over next snap and read out the distance and hit esc. If it was possible to copy that distance to memory then I would be a happy camper.

Hi @Holo
I don’t know if you know this, but if you set 2 SmartTrack points, Mid Osnap will find the middle between the two. I know it doesn’t help if you want to go beyond the snaps (*2 or similar), but at least for the inbetweens :slight_smile:
HTH, Jakob

Sketchup has very interesting options in its move tool

Thanks, I guess, but I never use smartTrack since it snaps to way to many things on our complex models :slight_smile:

Interesting, please explain as I don’t use Sketchup at all.

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For example when moving an object with the copy option, division works as you would want.

Multiplication creates an array beyond the copied item.

I’m not saying this would solve a problem here, it just came to my mind when I read about the ‘/2’

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For distance/2, don’t forget the one-shot Between object snap…


Sorry, that became too abstract for me, what are you referring to Mitch?

If it’s exactly in half, Between will do just that. But it won’t solve /3 or/4 etc.

OK, interesting command. So after first snap type “between” and choose two new snaps and it will pick the mid point between those two as the last input…

I like that I can use this for curves as well (or any other input point) But do I have to type in “between” each time I want to use it, or is there a short cut?

You can create an alias. I’m using ‘bb’ as shortcut

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Thanks, yes, I am well aware of the shortcut ability.
I was more wondering about if there was a hidden command, like crv for join, to force creating a curve out of the input, even if they are edges. Rhino is filled with hidden gems.

Still wish for the /fraction option for distance though. It would be great for many things I think.
Like making an array of 5 units between start point and end point. In theory this would work like this:
select object - hit Copy - select start point, type /5 enter and select end point, click the "use last point, last distance and last direction and add 3 more objects.