Wish: "MatchProperties" to include "SetObjectDisplayMode" option

I propose to add “SetObjectDisplayMode” option to the ! _MatchProperties command. It’s super easy to make it happen. For Rhino 7, too. :slight_smile:

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Hi Bobi -

Added to the list: RH-83693 MatchProperties: Object Display Mode

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Thanks! :slight_smile:

@Rhino_Bulgaria - it’s already there:

– Dale

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That was fast. :slight_smile:

I just wanted to try how this works on my Rhino 8 Evaluation (expired 90-day trial period), but it returns the following message.

I thought that the evaluation version could be tested with saving and plug-ins disabled even after the 90-day trial period. Is it true?

Hi Bobby,
You have already expired your 90 day eval.
You can get the key if you need it again here.

You can open Rhino and Enter a license key.
This will lock the key to your computer.

Rhino will run indefinitely as a viewer, you can just not save the file or load plugins .
But you can certainly test the fixes and features.

Mary Ann Fugier

Hi @mary ,

I tried to enter my 90-day evaluation key several times, but seems like something is getting wrong, because it no longer works with Rhino 8 evaluation. When I click on the link you provided, the page shows exactly the same key and the following message:

The license key RH80-************** is expired and cannot be validated.

When I try to run Rhino 8, it shows this pop-up window:



EDIT: OK, I somehow managed to make it work through the “Add a license” menu. Now Rhino 8 works again. The last time I experienced the same issue was 3 months ago.

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