Wish: Image hatches

This is about improving layout capabilities.
Images/pictures in a layout can only be shown as a texture on a material on a surface, right?
Since draw order is not supported for surfaces, it’s practically impossible to sort these pictures (BringToFront, SendToBack, …), which is just bad, and I think we can agree that putting pictures into layouts is basically something important.

Try it out, and drag&drop some pictures into a layout, let them overlap, and watch the happy z-fighting flicker when panning/zooming.
Even the new ‘sort order by layer’ mechanism does not work for surfaces.

So, in addition to hatch patterns and hatch gradients, I’d like to vote for ‘image hatches’, since hatches can be sorted without problems.

Hatches already support basepoint, rotation, scale. Enough for UV mapping a picture into them, except maybe a separate scale in x and y.

It’s an existing ArchiCAD feature called 'image fill".

Thank you!


This appears to be on the list as RH-47636 DrawOrder support for SRF