It would help if certain toolbar icons that work as a toggle state would change their appearance when on.
E.g. PrintDisplay:
When toggled ON, it could look maybe like this:
It would help if certain toolbar icons that work as a toggle state would change their appearance when on.
E.g. PrintDisplay:
When toggled ON, it could look maybe like this:
Hi Eugen - that seems hard, to me, in the current system. Buttons do not hgave a state, and it is hard for me to see, off hand, how they could because of how flexible command input is in Rhino - that is a macro in the button, it could be anything. You could type a contrary macro at the command line or from a menu - say turning off print display . I do see what you are asking, and I get it, but I think there would need to be some other mechanism to indicate particular states for some things like this.
True, this might be incompatible with the current system, but still… It would help to get a quick reading of a command status this way. Otherwise I have to start the command to see it.
Of course the icons should always correctly follow up with what the command does in the background.
Thanks for considering!
An alternative idea to is to place head up displays in the viewport, or add more of these classic CAD toggles in the status bar. There’s plenty of room.
This mechansim is more like what I think I would prefer, rather than try to make buttons this.