Wish: Finding template directory button

Hi Rhino-team,

often users lose their template directory, and then they don’t find the template directory anymore (because, directories in Windows are hidden, hard to find, etc.). On my windows 7 PC this is the hidden template path:

C:\Users\Michael Meyer\AppData\Roaming\McNeel\Rhinoceros\5.0\Localization\de-DE\Template Files

My wish is to have a path reset button in the _new template file dialog window to reset to this path.



Hi Michael- would this only set the path, or would it also unpack a new set of default templates as well?



Hi Pascal,

a button would be nice, which just resets the path to the default path.



Got it, thanks.



Hi Pascal,

thanks. I would prefer this button directly in the new window, not in options.



Hi Michael - Ah, OK - do you mean on the splash screen’s New page?


Hi Pascal,

I would like to have a button in the new window (perhaps in the splash window too)



Hi Michael - just to be sure I follow - I still see more than one possible outcome -

  • do you want this to take the current New folder to the default location only?

  • do you want to reset the template directory to the default location and go there?
    In this case, it makes more sense (to me) to just have restore defaults in Options, just as we already do for several of the options. it would be a more deliberate action to reset and less apt to be done by accident, I would guess.

thanks, sorry if I am being even denser than usual.


Hi Pascal,

yes, the second option is perhaps better, to reset to default in options.

