Many males have slightly impaired color vision, so they are sensitive about layer colors. I am one of those males. Default layer colors are far from perfect. Layer 02 and Layer 03 are blue, so they are difficult to distinguish. I hereby propose different colors of default layers - they are shown in the following screenshot.
Three bugs:
I have just found a bug in layer panel display of bold font: the name of the first layer in the following screenshot is “Default (R=0, G=0, B=0),” but layer panel displays this layer name as “Default (R=0. G=0. B=0).”
I mentioned this bug already, but I mention it again because it is very irritating. Every time I open a new file, my command prompt disappears because I do not keep it on top of the Rhino window.
I cannot use the mouse wheel to cycle through toolbar groups because I do not keep the command prompt on top of the Rhino window.
Hmm, how do you get the RGB colors to show up next to the layer name? I’ve never seen that.
Might what you’re seeing be just the effect of the bold type, it’s bigger, so the tail of the comma is cut off at the bottom, and thus they look like periods? Or what… - does it continue to do this if you make another layer current?
Default Layer 02 is purple.
I agree the floating window thing is annoying - this is happening for virtually any floating window for me, they always get hidden behind the main window, typical is when I drag and drop something into the Rhino window to import it, and the little dialog stays hidden behind the main window. I always chalked this up to the use of two monitors.
The best solution for you is to create your own templates with the colors you find best - especially as the degree of color-blindness is different for each “victim” : protanopia, deutanopia, tritanopia…
Just make sure to name your templates something other than “Default” as those get overwritten every time there is a new service release.
Helvetosaur wrote: Nope - 255,0,255 is “Magenta”. One of the primary
combinatory colors. Definitely not Purple.
We are both wrong. Magenta is defined as R=255, G=0, B=255. Purple is defined as R=128, G=0, B=128, so it can be called dark magenta. Default color of Layer 02 is R=125, G=38, B=205. It can be called blue violet. ( source: RGB Color Codes Chart 🎨 )