Wish: Batch render snapshots, named positions, etc

Furthermore, I am using the macro editor. Running the macro with it once, works the way it is shown above. Rerunning it starts the first rendering, but stops there and also does not save anything. The macro is not being completed.
The exact same macro from above now only looks like this:

Command: _-LayerStateManager
Choose layer state option ( List Save Restore Delete Rename Import Visible=Yes )Restore
Layer state to restore ( Current=Yes Visible=Yes Locked=Yes Color=Yes Linetype=Yes Material=Yes PrintColor=Yes PrintWidth=Yes )A
Choose layer state option ( List Save Restore Delete Rename Import Visible=Yes )Enter
Command: _Render
Processing light table
Processing geometry table
Choose layer state option ( List Save Restore Delete Rename Import Visible=Yes )-SaveRenderWindowAs
Rendering time: 0d 0h 0m 22s

It seems, that the macro is attempting to save the file before the rendering is finished. However this does not make sense to me, as it should be the exact same macro…