WISH: add "logarithmic spiral"

adding more spiral options to native rhino may be a can of worms… drawing or scripting a logarithmic spiral is easy compared to some of the other spiral types.

another type of spiral requested here before was the clothoid or cornu.

Cornu spiral connection

i can see what’s supposed to be happening with it but the mathematics involved are beyond my realm.

i guess my point is this- if only logarithmic spiral were added to rhino, it will be a little silly since it’s still pretty basic in spiral-land (the next step from continuous spirals)… if the discussion is whether or not to add more advanced spirals natively, i personally feel it would make more sense to offer some of the other more difficult spirals in a reworked _Spiral command as well…

which adds even more development time / resources… and a more difficult decision on whether or not it’s worth it for mcneel staff to take on.

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