Wish: Ability to add carriage return in lists

Self-explanatory title. This would be very useful to permit paragraphs for an item in lists, which currently appears not possible.

Apologies if noted already.


It is possible to do this:

  • Here is a list item #1

    With an extra line

  • Here is a list item #2

    With another extra line here

Markup is:

- Here is a list item #1

    With an extra line

- Here is a list item #2

    With another extra line here

Note the spacing of the lines underneath. For more info, see http://superuser.com/editing-help

  • Thanks for the insights! (now I add two returns after this entry) (edit: this is a list item and when created started with a bullet. Oddly, the bullet doesn’t display on my mobile device)

    Before this line I added four spaces for the indent to work.

Not all that intuitive, but better than nothing! :smile:
