Hi there
I’ve been trying to edit my existing extrusions on a site to adapt to my design. The first 2 layers worked, i’m unsure how, and I can’t get the next layers to work.
I’m trying to do a simple wirecut, just straight down, using my new lines to do this.
Have i dont something wrong with the layers? or maybe with the option project lines being on? the coloured lines are the new lines i want to use to cut into terrain.
Hi Chloe - please post a file with the cutters and the targets, or, if it is confidential, please send to tech@mcneel.com with a link back here in your comments.
3d model shadows.3dm (3.1 MB)
if you look from top view, you can see which each contour needs to be adapted too
Hi Chloe - your curves have stacked control points,
so far this seems like at least part of the problem.
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I have deleted out the extra curve points and simplified the curves, however i still can’t wirecut. a closed curve worked but not an open curve
3d model.3dm (3.2 MB)
Hi @Chloe_Joubert
If what you are trying to do, is cutting the top surface with the black curve, you need to close the sides of the top surface, eg. using Loft
The sides and the back are naked, and
needs a closed (poly-)surface; at least where the cut is, as you’ve already seen with the closed curve in the middle.Once you close off the open edges, it’ll wirecut just fine.
HTH, Jakob