WIP: Clipping plane flipped directions?

Is there a reason why the clipping plane direction has been flipped in Rhino 8? This seems less useful to me. In 7, I can draw the clipping plane in the viewport I want to clip, and the clip is facing me. In 8, the clip is facing away from me, and I have to rotate it 180 degrees (in a different viewport) to make the clip visible.

Rhino 7

Rhino 8

The behavior changed to make CLippingPlanes orientation consistent with the plane create with Plane command. See this bug-track item…

However I do see how what you are suggesting is useful. I added this item the tracker, and made the fix and you should see it in the next WIP.


Thanks @rajaa. I downloaded this week’s WIP and Clipping Plane is working as expected again. :+1:

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Good to hear. The next WIP will include a more logical location of the ClippingPlane Widget as well, and better looking of the grips and label (name of the clipping-plane). Please let us know how it feels.