Will mesh with pre-def bounding box display faster after being imported?


I have never tried using VS performance analysis tools. I just inject timers into the code and look at the results. But perhaps this works for me because my code is relatively simple with no recursive calls, etc. I just recently stumbled across using statements like
RhinoApp().Print("\nTime to read faces = %.4f", ftime)
inside my C++ code to see the results. Last year I was always passing the results back to Python to do the print. So now it is much easier for me to get timing results so I can focus my attention on the slow parts of the code. This is working really well for me now. Primitive I know, but has gotten me really good results.

Back 15 years ago when I was using Cadenceā€™s Skill code, I did use their code profiler and got excellent results. But one of the limitations of these tools is that they are either too granular, showing the time spent in primitive functions, or too coarse, showing time spent in whole procedures. I find that the key areas for improvement often lie in just a few lines of code. So I just inject timers around these pieces which nicely lets me track my improvement attempts.

I grew up at UC Berkeley 49 years ago during my early programming days. Back then Spice 1 was being developed, one of the first circuit simulation programs. I rubbed shoulders with Elis Cohen who was a key developer of Spice 2 and he taught me many of the tricks he used to speed up Spice 2. This instilled in me a tremendous can-do attitude when in comes to improving code performance. When I was at IBM, while not working in their circuit simulation group, I found ways to speed up their ASTAP circuit simulator by 10X without any loss in accuracy. This cause quite a stir. So anyway, in is now in my DNA to find ways to make code faster. Hopefully I can infect others without any adverse side effects.

Iā€™m here to help.

80 in 8

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Tangentially related to OBJ I was reading about massively improved OBJ export in Blender


This was a quite interesting blog post, and I thougt @Terry_Chappell you might find it an interesting read.

Thanks for pointing this out. I am finishing up my massively improved mesh import script that detects faults and repairs a mesh while it is being imported. It includes testing for degererate faces, corrupt faces, duplicate faces, duplicate vertices, non-manifold edges, face intersections and more. For a 100M face mesh (4.8 GB .obj file size) it imports and does these checks in 16 sec except for faces intersections that take another 30 sec currently (still working on this). Rhinoā€™s Mesh Wizard runs 18 minutes on this mesh. So the script is over an order of magnitude faster on my machine.

It has been a while since I worked on my mesh export script. I will fire it up and see how it compares to the one you mentioned.


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