Why should same fillet settings differ between users in result?

Hi, V5
filletSrf 0.08inch used and Jim 0.08inch yet placing the two together sees mine more centred.

Should not filletSrf match between progs ?

What if one was sharing a project between workmates ir someone ?

Fillet 0pnt08 differ Steve and Jim.3dm (1004.3 KB)



I don’t know which fillet is which, but one of the strings of fillets is .014" higher than the other. Other than that there is not much difference.

These fillets match as far as I can tell.

see here the same fillet Radii giving different locations.

I was going to take the pointed one and add to my own success at long last , until I get a day to study the long method of using setPt to do a pointed one, but it wont match, yet both are 0.08inch filletSrf.

They should match.

This is an accurate CAD prog and this difference shouldnt be, not from the same prog.


One of these fillets just got moved a tiny bit in the z axis, probably accidentally. They are the same. The purple one has been moved .014" vertically compared to the part. Move it back and it all lines up. Rhino didn’t do this - it looks like you did.

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Here are images showing before I move the purple one back into position and after.



dont recall moving it deliberately but as mouse is acting up, it might have done it without me knowing.

so all is bang on, as should be,



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I usually have ‘drag selected objects only’ option activated, otherwise I accidentally drag stuff sometimes.

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ah yeh… the baby setting :smile: , ok i must admit i am sometimes moving stuff to and fro by accident either, but having that option activated slows me down either… so get a coffee and wake up before you start :slight_smile:

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:joy: :coffee: I might turn it off once in a bluemoon :sweat_smile: