I have this problem with what seems to be a very clean model… I want brick joints in a round castle tower, so I’ve created a horizontal torus with vertical cylinders to use as cutting geometry. I want them joined so that BooleanDifference will be easier later. But I cannot seem to reliably join them without the torus becoming transparent. If I Boolean2Objects them out of order, as shown in the video, then somehow it works. But not always.
I have tried SelBadObjects, ExtractbadFace, “DivideAlongCreases>SplitAtTangents=Yes”, ShowEdges, but I cannot find anything wrong with this model. And yet, Split then Join produces the same transparent torus results. Any advice?
I checked them with Dir, and everything seems to be pointing outwards from itself. The vertical cylinders were made using PolarArray, so shouldn’t they each be identical?
Hello- it looks like your verticals are already trimmed to the shape of the circular pipe- this can work but is not ideal for Boolean operations - preferably the objects fully intersect. Hard to say without the model, but that is one thing. My guess about the display is they the edges on the intersection where the vertical pipe and the seam on the circular pipe line up is messed. Please post a file with the inputs to the Boolean.
castle revamp 2.3dm (7.5 MB)
Oof! I edited the file out of my OP, sorry. Haha. I believe this is what you want to see. I created a tall vertical cylinder, and BooleanSplit it using the tori. Then I deleted all the little pieces where they overlapped one another. Good to know that full intersection is preferred, I will try it over again that way.
Hi Job - I blame the caps on the verticals - these have a seam right in the middle -
which is where the seam on the ring surface fell when you cut the ends- what I think is happening is that the convergence of all these edges on the surface of the ring surface right at the quadrant is makling a loop in the trim curve and messing up the meshing of the object.
Hi Pascal,
That fixed it, and you are a wizard! That makes sense, now that you point it out. But I don’t understand what changed in the ‘clean’ file, or why the verticals are now red. It doesn’t seem to be RemovePerFaceColors. Does it have to do with the normals (they don’t look different, either)? Could you relate how you fixed the problem without actually removing the middle seam? I would like to follow a similar process for more features of the castle.