Why does opening non-Rhino files look like V5?

Hi guys, this is a question I have wanted to ask for more than a year, and forgotten every time… :smiley:

Why does opening an obj or an fbx or a 3d dwg etc. allways look like v5?
I think it should at least have the option to start it in the default Rhino6 environment, with smooth shadows.

(Workaround is to click on the reset button on the render tab, that will add the default V6 look to the file)

AND… why isn’t a default V5 style an option in the [+] part of the environment tab? In rare occations it could be nice to add a simple environment fast as well.

Here is an example of what an fbx generated from Pix4D looks like:
(When opened (not imported) in V6.)

and after reset: