I’ve been away from Rhino for some months. However, I have a job coming up in a week, so I thought I should brush up before I start. I figure I’d start with the new features in RH8 beginning with Push/Pull. I’m using this tutorial by Kyle. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ynsZPWejcso
Literally 6 minutes in my results are different and problematic from what Kyle is getting. I’m at the point where the text surfaces are are being inset with Split OFF. The produced curves are all screwed up and broken. None of the curve boolean he shows happening nor creation of enclosed regions. What am I doing wrong?
The font I’m using is News 706 BT.
Version 8 SR12
(8.12.24282.7001, 2024-10-08)
Edit: So I got this to work as expected. I created the text using the “Text object” tool defining height and thickness. The version that does not work was created with the same tool but with text created as text surfaces then extruded before trying the inset. Is this a bug or is inset not compatible with objects created by extruding surfaces?
PP_TEST.3dm (1.1 MB)