Why are pointList numbers displayed at a distance away from their location?

hello everyone
poinlist far from.gh (7.5 KB) Why are pointList numbers displayed at a distance away from their location?
in rhino wip 7
In my opinion, justification should be defined for the position of numbers

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I opened this in Rhino 6 in Windows. This is the result I get.

What is the viewport type in your case?

yes in rhino6 is ok
but in rhino7wip have problem
for example in wire frame display mode

I see in Rhino 7, the number location is dropped below the plane. This looks like a bug in 7?

Looks like we can report that.

yes all right

Here is a workaround for right now:

Yes, but here we can’t enlarge the size of the numbers
may be tex tag3d

Right-click on the Tag component. Text size is set there.

ok thank you

I created an issue here: https://mcneel.myjetbrains.com/youtrack/issue/RH-59090

The Rhino 7 WIP from today has this bug fixed. Please give it a try.