WHIS/BUG Cage Contro Obj wont' accept mesh nor deg 1 polysrf

See the attached file:
CageEdit_ControlObj.3dm (2.6 MB)

I’m unable to assign the Polysrf as Control Object.
My need is to have a Freeform cage on one direction (along the circle) and a linear connection along the height.
I’ve tried also with a mesh but is equally not working.

Hi @skysurfer
Only curves and surfaces can be used as control objects - no polysurfaces. You could rebuild the outer barrel shape as an open, single surface and use a deformable revolved surface as the control object - but I guess it depends on the kind of deformation you are looking to do.

HTH, Jakob

Thanks Jacob,
yes this is a process I made when I’m in this situation but this time I’ve to explain it to a client and he need a bti more complicated shape than a cilinder (or barrel) control shape.
Other than this the points need to be at specific location and the interpolation on the vertical direction should be 1 to limiting the deformation outside the central parts.

I’ll do my test to see if I can get the right soolution by creating the cage first and then applying it.
