Where is Cycles? (V6)

Thanks.w I have checked and it’s not blocked. I also don’t have any anti virus software.

How do you go about a repair of the rhino install?

Windows Start menu > Settings > Apps > Rhino 6 > Modify > Repair.

Did the repair and received a do you want to load rhinocycles plug in pop up when i started rhino now and got this

Now i am able to check enable and disable load protection. But no difference in the raytraced view

Version 6.20.19322 is incorrect. That is over a year old.

Please install https://files.mcneel.com/dujour/exe/20201119/rhino_en-us_6.32.20324.17011.exe instead and see if it works better.

Still get the error

It shows the correct version here

For some reason your RhinoCyclesCore.dll is incorrect. Before I ask you to uninstall your current Rhino 6 and re-install, could you please open the file location for the RhinoCycles plug-in, ensure file explorer is in detail view and post a screenshot the files RhinoCycles.rhp and RhinoCyclesCore.dll. Also a screenshot of the Details tab from the Properties dialog of the RhinoCyclesCore.dll would be good.

I’m on an internal even newer version, but it looks like this:

Could you search your machine for other RhinoCyclesCore.dll files and see if there is maybe an old, stale Rhino 6 install interfering with loading of RhinoCycles ?

I have searched and found no other RhinoCyclesCore files

Then I have to admit I don’t understand how there could be linkage to a 6.20.* version of the DLL.

Can you maybe try uninstalling Rhino 6, then reinstall using the installer I posted the link for?

Sure. Will all my custom views, alias’s etc be removed? If they will be removed, will OptionsExport store all those settings which i can import once i have re-installed Rhino?

Uninstalling Rhino should not remove files from %APPDATA%\McNeel\Rhinoceros\6.0, which is where your settings etc live. You can make a backup from that folder if you want to play it safe.

Okay, thanks!

Did this and still received the error message once i opened rhino

I sent you a private message.

Thank you Nathan

Issue resolved: I had to uninstall Rhino and then delete the folder C:\Program Files\Rhino 6. After that the re-install worked.

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