Where do you go to learn about how to use plugins?

I am having a hard time finding anything from written to video tutorials or guides on how to use the plugins Dendro, Crystallon, and IntraLattice?

Check this for intralattice

Official website for Dendro plugin here you find example folders.

They all have example files on the same page as the download.

I’ve watched the intra lattice, It only got me as far as the pdf they supply. The example files I have tried to download from the Dendro site, but they don’t exist anymore, the github link doesn’t work.

That don’t exist or work anymore. Another suggestion would be great.

Well, it is up to the developer of each Plug-in to make and keep up with their tutorials. You could always email them from the Food4Rhino pages.

That’s a good idea, I will do that. Thanks Michael!