When was SubD inset as a group added?

I am about to teach a module based on Rhino SubD tools and the version on the PCs in the university are ancient (7.6 or 7.7). I never gave any consideration to this because I thought it was just always in there, but when using inset there is no option for ‘As Group’. This is a fundamental tool and I am worried I will be limited in what I can do without it. Is there any command or way to make SubD face inset ‘as group’ in older versions of Rhino 7?

Hi Paul -

When was SubD inset as a group added?

From - RH-52735 Inset: Added Group mode for multiple selected SubD faces - it looks like that was 7.7.

Such a fundamental tool in my experience, I am surprised it took so long to add when we had the tools to test in R6. Anyway, IT refuse to update Rhino so I won’t be able to use it. Is there a way to cheat the same effect any how? I am pretty annoyed I won’t have access given its utility.