the centr snap and circles are quite useful, however the end result is the target mesh is MASSIVE, How do I get the ref mesh to scale to the target mesh , instead the target mesh has not fitted with the ref mesh or vice versa but gone far too big and they are still one is far smaller than the other.
I cant .lock the target mesh layer as command asks for select both meshes.
5 hrs trying to get one mesh to match the other.
mission failed as I had to finish this tonight and not even got two meshes same size.
time expired no more time.
all next week depended on this and V7 has nuked what was 3 days.
I will try and do it one step at a time. forget orient3pt doesnt work.
Hello- Keep in mind that the command is not for orienting one object to another, it is for orienting one or more objects from one plane defined by three points to another plane defined by three other points. The choice of points will be up to you, so be careful that they make sense.
what do I use to orient one mesh to another scaling it as well to fit ?
This is important as I do an in depth photo session, 80 pics etc of an item then lay a ruler in on the scene and shoot it again but just enough pics to get a mesh, so as to add scale.
I need to get this right, and the masses of grey mesh also denies me easy fidning of the target points.
Must find a way of stopping the mesh from turned off layers from appearing.
Hi Steve - you use Orient3Pts with Scale=Yes and choose your points carefully. It may help to map out three point objects ahead of time so that you do not need to figh with a million Vertex snaps in the middle of the command.
Hi Pascal, I was using Orient3pt with scale = yes.
Now that I have selected just the mesh with ruler I got a sort of match, but the real problem is the massive area of grey mesh, even with the mesh layers turned off, cant see what I am doing…
current plan is to mark the reference points with hexagons and spheres, spheres half sticking out the mesh show a good location, clone and move them way off to right, group them to the mesh along with all other ref points and drawings, ditto for the target mesh, then work on those way off to right (150 inches) and the grey mass cant blind me !
is this best idea or is there a setting to stop that grey mass from appearing ?
update…not good as ref mesh ended up displaced relative to tgt mesh.
shame as was easy to see what I was doing. size wise it was ok, just not in the correct location !
Hi Steve - there is no setting for that - I have written a version of Orient3Pt that does not show hidden objects, which you are welcome to try. I suggest: Use the Point command to mark the base and target points on the two meshes using the Vertex osnap, while the hidden obects are hidden. Then when orienting, use the Point osnap and not the Vertex one.
To use the Python script use RunPythonScript, or a macro:
_-RunPythonScript "Full path to py file inside double-quotes"
I have come to do a scale increase, my 30cm ruler line needs to be scaled 3D to what is 30cm, it was only an inch or so long, so draw a line of the required length and scale3D drag the object larger to snap to it, however that grey mass mess appears hiding my line.
Whatever I do regards transforms, scales etc sees that mess appear, and I cant see what I am doing.
I will try thr Orient3Pt code but what solves the other times the grey mass appears ?
I desperately need some solution for anything I do.
this must be a blight to anyone working on meshes in Rhino, had hoped V7 solved it as it made work in V5 a nightmare.
As Pascal wrote, there is nothing in Rhino that won’t show hidden geometry that is part of a group when you transform the visible elements of that group. The hidden geometry is made visible to ensure that you understand that you are also transforming geometry that is hidden, and not just what you saw selected in the viewport.
While this behavior is intentional, we understand that it can have issues in very specific cases - such as yours - and we will be looking into a way to make this better (Pascal added that request to the list as RH-74346).
In the meanwhile, you can try Pascal’s script or show all geometry and possibly modify its display attributes to make this easier to work with. Shade-highlighting selected meshes might help but you’d have to test settings or post a file.
I don’t know if higher mesh density makes a difference but here’s how I would do this with 200K meshes. For example, I need to scale this green mesh according to measured points and orient it to points on the blue mesh:
I’d process the scale and the orientation as two separate steps.
First I’d draw a triangle on a separate layer, with vertices that indicate my three green mesh orientation points. I’d group the triangle with the mesh:
After which I’d use Scale3D on the group (the magenta line and points represent my ruled scaling). The grey blob appears but my contrasting lines should be visible. In particular, when I snap to them, Rhino draws them above the blob. That’s the advantage of having the Near Osnap on: if you can’t make out a line you can drag the mouse over the general area until it snaps to the line and highlights it:
Once I have a scaled group, I can mark the target orientation points with another triangle on a new layer (no need to group this one, unless you have further plans for it):
@Steve1 - one other suggestion from a developer, for now at least, is to set the wireframe display mode to show locked objects behind all other objects - that should affect the ‘gray stuff’ display and allow you to interact more easilky with the visible geometry.
I often prefer to orient objects via ! _RemapCPlane , especially on mesh objects. To do so, first, you need to setup two CPlanes and then transfer the mesh object from the first Cplane to the another one. Here is a quick tutorial:
However, that will only orient the object, so in case that you want to scale it on the new position, obviously you need to use “Scale 3D”.
You may also try the “Highlight toggle” plug-in, which is very useful while working with dense mesh objects.