What to do when Rhino is stuck in a command

Yup, i’ll go to them, thanks!

Okay this is super annoying losing work like this multiple times during a work session. It seems to be connected to the Autosave. It gets stuck while working with Vray, then Autosave pops up, generates *.tmp file but doesn’t resolve.



I noticed this issue happens when i mess around with the model, materials or settings when rendering.

V-Ray 2.0 used to have a checkbox that says “Batch render” it blocks you from messing around on the model and settings while rendering, can’t find that option on the 3.0 version.

One of our guys has this issue right now. He is stuck in the untrim command. He can zoom, rotate, pan etc. but the command is just stuck. There doesn’t seem to be a way to get out of this without losing work.

I can move the entire Rhino session to another monitor, and I’ve verified that there are no dialogue boxes hidden behind. Here is a quick video showing the issue:

Unfortunately he had to kill the process to continue. But maybe this will be helpful for the future.



Ugh, I have never seen this… Thanks for the report… I don’t know what to suggest though…


I’ve seen this on and off over the years. I’ve never found a solution either. It’s usually an effective lesson on the importance of saving frequently.


Hi Dan - do you see it particularly with Untrim, or in general?


Hi Pascal,

I can’t say for sure. But next time it happens I will take note of the command that is stuck.

@brian - can we learn anything by asking the user to get us a windows ‘dump’ of Rhino’s state when it gets stuck like this?


Yes, absolutely. @DanBayn when the user experiences this, you can create a crash dump from inside Task Manager:

  1. Open Task Manager
  2. In the Details tab, right-click Rhino
  3. Click Create Dump File
  4. Send us the dump file


Hi @pascal and @brian,

I will sent that crash dump the next time this happens.



It also happend to me several times. Never bothered to report thinking of choking hardware rather than software.

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Hi @pascal and @brian,

It took a while, but this happened again. I followed the instructions and made the dump file. It’s over 5Gb, so I’m zipping it now, and I’ll put it up on OneDrive for you to download.


I should mention that this is happening in Rhino 6, and it seems it was either the ExtendSrf command or Untrim that was in use at the time.

I hope this is useful.



Hi Dan - thanks, I am not the one to do anything with this, myself, but I’ll get the file to make sure we have it, and get a developer to look at it.


Thanks Pascal. Hopefully it helps.

@dale is this something you can look into? Dan shows a lockup condition in Rhino in this video:

And then posted a 5GB crash dump from task manager during the lockup:

I can…

Hi @DanBayn, @brian:

The dmp file indicates that you were running the ReplaceEdge command, and Rhino is waiting for you to “Select surface edges to delete”. I don’t see any exception or indication of failure anywhere.

– Dale

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Strange. I don’t believe the selection of edges (or anything) was possible at that point. Next time this happens I will focus specifically on whether or not selecting edges is possible.

