What should a beginner do after finishing reading 'Grasshopper Primer'?

I’m a beginner in grasshopper. And I have just finished my studying on the tutorial Grasshopper Primer. But now I feel puzzled because I don’t know what should I do then.
Maybe I should just go through the grasshopper3d.com or youtube to find some examples to practice?
Or just try to find some advanced tutorials to learn further?If so, could you please be so kind to tell me where can I find advaned tutorials?

ps:Actually I want to learn and do some work in drawing architecture-analysis.

Because I’m not a native English speaker.So if I spoke something wrongj or strange,please forgive me.


Personally i would try and solve a real world problem, either something that someone has posted here or related to “drawing architecture-analysis”. Tutorials don’t provide the problem solving skills required to work effectively in GH.


Just play, do your own projects.

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My 2 cents. Previous answers are very good and I will add.
Do a project from sketch to building (laser cut, 3d printing, wood working, paper …). You will have to go through all the processes. Staying in virtual world is cool but doing is awesome.
I learned also by helping others.


thx.it’s helpful

Yes, you are right.I learned some skills by dealing with some problems of my friends’

As many others said, find or make problems, and work through them. Struggle and research solutions.


I’d like to add something that I think it’s crucial to get a complete understanding of Grasshopper.

While I, as well, was learning from the Grasshopper primer, while studying it, I was also reading:

It will give you a very detailed understanding of how Grasshopper works in its core and the principles of working with it.
It will also give you a plethora of ideas on how you should implement these newly learned skills in a real project and teach you how to “go about” things.

And, of course, as you go along, implement these skills in real-life projects, or just a concept project.
The most important thing is to learn problem-solving “on the fly”.

My .02c beyond these other excellent suggestions is to do a few things in parallel over the course of time.

Look up shortcuts that will help you to work faster, such as at first I was wishing there was a way to quickly change the preview display of any components, so as not to get lost in the forest of components. Relative to that the first thing I discovered was the hotkeys ctrl+q and ctrl+e toggle preview and enable, respectively, of one or many selected components, of course used in conjunction with window/box select in addition to shift+click. Then after that I also discovered the button at top of viewport that toggles visibility control to only selected objects, overriding ctrl+q. These tools greatly improved my speed. Additionally you can use windows snipper tool to grab images of component previews, save, then drag and drop the saved file into your canvas, to give visual cues as to what is where, as an improvement over scribble text labels.

The other thing I did that helped me come a long way so far was to watch many good tutorials on youtube and work along with many of them, not always easy to follow along, but using the arrow keys are helpful for repeated rewinding. A couple of very good youtubers to watch for this are “Rhino Grasshopper” and “Daniel Christev”, as they are also explaining in clear english, not just modeling set to music.

I’m pretty new, only a couple of weeks into my software evaluation period, but very happy to say that I did put into service a fairly complicated design of a 3D printed mount plate for a folding basket to my ebike, which normally I would do in Solidworks, but forced myself to create 100% of the geometry in grasshopper, though I did have to import into solidworks to do a final subtract boolean that I coudln’t get GH to do :confused: still very happy with my GH progress though!