What rhino commands do you use on a regular basis and think others don't know about?

Sure, I will look into it, it may take a few extra steps to separate it from our toolset and make usable for general user.


Project to plane in Object snap(would be great if this was under a hotkey, a bit like Alt disables snap)

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Alt disables snap??? :open_mouth:


my favourites not used on a daily base:
_-ShowZBuffer && -_ScreenCaptureToFile && _-HeightField for easy relief creation
_-squish/SquishBack for appliying a “mise en pierre” (before Daniel made triRemesh and CirclePacking)


Yeah @tobias , What is Elmo?

Hi -

Just type it in and you’ll see…

I run all my osnaps checked, but disabled all the time. I use alt to temporarily turn them on only when I need them. It prevents the frantic snapping to everything behavior rhino sometimes exabits in complex models when osnaps are all on…

This tends to work pretty well in my experience.


Sounded good at first, but if I want to use Tab to lock the direction, I can’t anymore, because Alt+Tab is used by Windows to switch between windows.:frowning:

Same thing I made aliases for snap overrides.
End , Per, Mid, Nod(for points) Nea, Qua,
These were engraved in my brain from 20 years using AutoCAD. This can help solving the Alt+Tab issues .

this works for trimming too!- typing crv in the command line when prompted to select cutting objects enables surface edges to be used as curves for trimming. This will work in some cases where a surface edge will not do to how rhino treats trim curves in 3d space, vs how it treats surf edges in the same situation.

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And the best part is that then you can write “srf” and switch back to trimming with surfaces.
Can’t wait for the “Surface/Curve” option to be added in the Command line. :wink: By default it should be set to “Surface”, but clicking it once should change it to “Curve”. Clicking it again should change it to “Both”. And then clicking again should revert to “Surface”.

Surface > Curve > Both > Surface > Curve > Both


love that idea!


Awesome, thanks! :slight_smile: I also requested this feature last month in the following topic:

Something useful I learned a few months back which is a major time-saver:
By default Rhino files are compressed when saving, which makes the files smaller but the saving times longer. Working on large files, often times it would take 1 minute or even more each time.
Fortunately there are Advanced Options that can change it:

SLOW (Default) Save settings:


FAST (but larger files) Save settings:


With the FAST settings, a file that normally takes 50 s. to save is only 7 s. to save. The size is 700MB instead of 300MB but I prefer way faster save than saving HD space.

Using WriteLocalTempFileWhenSaving also helps to speed things up but my understanding is sometimes it causes an issue (file reported as being read-only and unable to save_, especially when working on a network location, that’s why it is not enabled by default. In that case the solution is to switch back to the slow options.)


Nice. How do you access these options, and do you know how many Rhino versions it works on?

Heh. I believe in the old days there was Trim for curves and TrimSrf. The seemingly obvious thing to do is to combine things but it gets messy and then we want to tease them apart again.


You have to go to Tools > Options > Advanced, from there the easiest way to find them is by using the search field at the top.
Looks like WriteLocalTempFileWhenSaving is only available in Rhino 7, this one has less impact to save speed from my experience; UseCompressionWhenSaving is available in V6, too.
V5 and earlier Rhino version did not have Advanced Options exposed, so not sure if it was already possible, maybe via some test command.

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Love this. Very easy to use, just need to re-brain my Alt muscles.
…and I still wish Cen wasn’t so dominant…

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if you want to examine the curvature graph alone.
in the case of a scene encumbered by geomitry

click on _Shade then on _Wireframe


A very underestimated command is _SelBrushPoints :slight_smile: , which is quite handy to use with a larger size such like 300 pixels on a 4K monitor. A single mouse click with the brush selection basically allows a quick selection of many control point simultaneously. Something similar does the '_Lasso command, but the former is my favourite tool for selection.

Other extremely useful selection commands are “Select arcs” and “Select circles”, but sadly they are not included by default in Rhino. Instead, you have to create a custom button and include the following codes inside their text fields:

! _NoEcho _-Runscript (
Option Explicit
Call SelArcs()
Sub SelArcs()
Dim arrAllObjs,strObj,entity,i : i=0
If Not IsArray(arrAllObjs) Then Exit Sub
Call Rhino.EnableRedraw(False)
'Call Rhino.UnselectAllObjects
For Each strObj in arrAllObjs
If Rhino.IsArc(strObj) Then
Call Rhino.SelectObject(strObj)
End If
If i<>1 Then entity=entity&“s”
If i>0 Then
Call Rhino.Print(i&" “&entity&” added to selection")
Call Rhino.Print(“No “&entity&” found, nothing added to selection”)
End If
Call Rhino.EnableRedraw(True)
End Sub


! _NoEcho _-Runscript (
Option Explicit
Call SelCircles()
Sub SelCircles()
Dim arrAllObjs,strObj,entity,i : i=0
If Not IsArray(arrAllObjs) Then Exit Sub
Call Rhino.EnableRedraw(False)
'Call Rhino.UnselectAllObjects
For Each strObj In arrAllObjs
If Rhino.IsCircle(strObj) Then
Call Rhino.SelectObject(strObj)
End If
If i<>1 Then entity=entity&“s”
If i>0 Then
Call Rhino.Print(i&" “&entity&” added to selection")
Call Rhino.Print(“No “&entity&” found, nothing added to selection”)
End If
Call Rhino.EnableRedraw(True)
End Sub

I use this custom icon for these two commands:
Select arcs and circles 2
Select arcs and circles 32x32