What happened with Droid Rhino?

I don’t know if anyone else bought this app but I needed to reset my Android tablet and I found that Droid Rhino is not available anymore (after more than 3€ spent on it)…so, anyone knows what happened? Is there any chance of getting the old app installed (legally of course…) I can’t even find it in my apps list I’m Play Store.

Thanks in advance.

The Droid 3DM file viewer was not our application.
It never was.
The other third-party developer seems to have abandoned the project.

I know, I know that it wasn’t a Mcneel project. One thing is to abandon a project and other different don’t let people download what they purchased :S

I’ll try to reach the developers and see if there is any chance to recover the APK…

I think this is the responsibility of google play store. You may want to search for “app missing from google play” and see if any of those articles help.

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