What happened to Gradient View command as its missing in R7 & R8?. As it doesn’t come up when typed and also does work using my old keyboard short cut.
Hopefully its not completely gone as it used to be a super simple way to switch between having a black or white background. Black for working white for screen captures etc.
Ah shame that’s gone, hadn’t thought of checking the help file. Thanks
Sorry should have written doesn’t work with my keyboard shortcut. Which is actually the only way i used it. I just toggled it on and off and when it didn’t work today in RH* i went on the hunt to find the answer.
So it seems now i will have to see if i can edit the display mode background with a toggle as i don’t want to duplicate every display mode with a black or white background.
I think i should have had my coffee this morning, seems the Keyboard shortcut i had setup also works i had just forgot to press the Fn Key when pressing F2 when testing it this morning on this machine, All working as usual again. Thanks for your help