What does Rhino V7 provide better than V5?

Nvidia driver is up to date as it is updated by windows, 8 June 2023.
Certainly far more up to date than when V7 was designed.
However there is an 8 aug 2023 Studio driver, as Msoft dont take the latest drivers but a couple of months earluer ones, as they are more stable etc, I presume is the thinking behind that, however V7 was brought out well before June 2023 let alone Aug 8 2023, and updating what works with my flight sims and PC is a bit iffy unles a prog is declared as needing it, having just been developed for that driver.

NVIDIA Corporation
OpenGL version: 4.6.0 NVIDIA 536.23
Render version: 4.6
Shading Language: 4.60 NVIDIA
Driver Date: 6-8-2023
Driver Version:

Maximum Texture size: 32768 x 32768
Z-Buffer depth: 24bits
Stencil depth: 8bits
Maximum Viewport size: 32768 x 32768
Total Video Memory: 8 GB

NVIDIA GTX 3070 Graphics Card driver details looked at 19Sept2023

As for β€˜is Rhino graphics acceleration ON’ , where does one look for that ?

As for McNeel saying new cards unable to draw decent lines, my new card draws decent lines in V5,.



Can you try to replicate the same settings from your Nvidia control panel?

And this from the Rhino options?

Also, check if your Windows 10 has scaling on the resolution:
Desktop > right click > Display settings > Scale and layout.

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