What different between GaussianCurvature with MeanCurvature?

I read manual of paneling tool. Many times, I see GaussianCurvature option.
What different between GaussianCurvature with MeanCurvature?


Have you googled or looked at the help files?

Curvature | Rhino 3-D modeling (mcneel.com)

Scroll down all the way…

Hi @martinsiegrist
Thank for share.
However It’s not what I looking for.
I want to know basic how they apply GaussianCurvature to create model.


Gaussian curvature is the product of the principal curvatures at a point on a surface. Mean curvature is the average of the principal curvatures. See:

If you are asking about how GuassianCurvature is used in ptOffsetEdges then based on the information in the image you included in your first post:
If the GuassianCurvature distance method is selected the offset distance depends on the GuassianCurvature. The offset distance is scaled between the user input MinDistance and MaxDistance depending on Guassian curvature. My guess is the scaling is linear with MinDistance when the Guassian curvature is at its minimum value and MaxDistance when it is at its maximum value. You could experiment to find out if my guess is correct.

Two of the best ways to find out how features in Rhino works are to read the manuals and help, and to experiment. You can learn a lot by doing both together.