Im a bit puzzled on what these arrows are. They appear when I select the block part in the block manager panel. I would like to change their direction but cannot find their property. I have experimented with CPlane but that does nothing.
Thanks for helping on this one but thats not the issue. However being a cnc expert you may be able to help.
If you model 500x500x20 box and rotate it to any angle and then block it. Go to the block manager, right click on the block and select export and save it. Now open the file in a new document you will find the part is rotated as per the original file. However how can you make it and other multi parts in the master file flat when you export? It must be possible because it sort of works if you do such in a reverse order create the box shape, save and import as a block instance and then rotate. (As a test rename the new block and test the export option from the block manager)
I’m afraid that I can’t understand the procedure you explained. You export a rotated object as a block, but later when you import it you want it to be automatically aligned to the world XY plane?
sample.3dm (245.3 KB)
Bobi, here is a sample how it works correctly… so from this data how would you in the most effective way extract the data for cnc? I can do all of it in a few clicks (no plugin or script). Note there are 3 designs but qty of each vary