have been using rhinocam for 3 years but have not been paying maintenance as the added features each year haven’t been attractive for what i do and i have not had questions i couldn’t solve. i asked my first question in 3 years and they would not look into the potential bug as my version is too old, so now to solve my problem i have to buy from scratch again at $900 and also buy the $300 a year maintenance.
so the question is are there cam packages that like rhino, have great customer service, or do i just have to suck up the maintenance whether i use it or not?
i’m making guitars so lots of 2D work and some 3D.
Vectric Vcarve desktop or pro will handle stl files output by Rhino, but it’s not integrated into Rhino as I understand Rhinocam is. Desktop is a little less expensive than rhino cam, Pro is about the same if I recall correctly.
DeskProto will read .3dm files, but is also a separate program.
I agree that Rhinocam’s idea of customer service is pretty old fashioned and self-defeating. I hope you are able to find a solution that includes a more positive relationship.
We’ve been using MADCam which is a plugin for Rhino for years.
Software is great.
The developer is very responsive to support requests and there is a good forum on CNCzone where help is swift and knowledgable.