Weird look widgets

Something happened to my Grasshopper. There are blue and red outlines on my widgets. what is it?

is it not a plugin (Panda …)?

Yes I have installed a new plugin called Pancake, but at beginning the appearance was normal.

Pancake Menu → Enabled Tweaks → Param Access Overlay

They’re to hint whether the param should be item, list, tree, and whether to be optional.

Though it should be disabled by default. I apologize for the inconvenience.

thank you! May I have a question reagrding Pancake?
It would be nice to have an automatic reset for renaming files option after every .STL save. Now it has to do manually which is really tedious.

Sorry I don’t quite get it.

What do you mean by “reset”? Are you exporting multiple STL files one by one, or constantly overwriting into one file?

I change the content and the filename too so actually I dont overwite the same file. So basilcally I am cerating new files.

:thinking: So what are you resetting? Oh are you referring to the File Series component?

Probably yes but I am at work and I cant recall my deifinition by heart, I can look only tonight. Anyway does it make any sendse what I am asking for?

I don’t quite understand what you mean. It would be better if you can provide an example or explanation of what you want to do. :laughing:

When I change the counter (data a) the geometry and the filename changes also. Still I have to push the reset button if I dont want the subnumber change.
Can I avoid it?

I would try connecting R with a Toggle always turned on。

Or generate the filenames yourselves since the sub-number is fixed?

is that issue resolved?

Not really, I have to press the reset button when I save new files. It is really tedious. :frowning:
Also Prusa Slicer keep asking if it is saved in inces. Can I avoid this?