Weird BlendEdge behavior

These surfaces were created by projecting curves onto a sphere, splitting that sphere and then doing offset with solid enabled. Nothing fancy at all.


  1. Why do I get that weird little flat surface on one fillet?
  2. Why can’t I fillet everything in one go? Why do I have to split up my selections?

g2-fillet-weirdness.3dm (224.7 KB)

Hi @eobet thanks for your feedback and please try to use RebuildEdges to fix this issue,

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Thanks, that did also work for BlendEdge (which has a distance between rails option which is what I wanted to use).

But this is not the first time I’ve enccountered the need to rebuild edges, so at this point, since there are commands which implicitly shrinks trimmed surfaces and in V8 even implicitly merges coplanar surfaces, I’m wondering if rebuild edges shouldn’t also implicitly be added to things like offset solid?

Thank you and I’ve logged it to our development engineers for confirmation.

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Here’s one that fails even though I’ve rebuilt and even re-created the in-between surface:

g2-fillet-fail.3dm (79.0 KB)

EDIT: Just noticed that FilletEdge also has a distance between rails option, but it fails there as well.

It looks fine on my side.

So it does. And the same for me after a second rebuild (that example file already has an initial one). I thought I was imaginging things (because I’m doing about two dozen of these) when I felt I had to rebuild twice, but seems that’s sometimes the case.

Can you share the original surface and projected curves from before you offset them? OffsetSrf may be doing something wrong here but I can’t tell for sure without the inputs.