The algorithm choice in Weaverbird luckily supports this case – the problem is that triangulation will happen when the internal data is converted to Rhino.Geometry.Mesh. It’s possible to avoid this problem by using the internal polyline result factory, as in this Python example.
import clr
import Weaverbird as wb
import Weaverbird.CommonSupport as wbc
import Rhino as rc
import System as s
L = s.Collections.Generic.List[rc.Geometry.Line](L)
a = wb.WbStatic.WbWeaveBack[s.Array[rc.Geometry.PolylineCurve], wb.Geometry.IPoints.LineCurve](
wbc.Support.Import(L), V,
None, rc.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.ModelAbsoluteTolerance) (5.1 KB)
Btw, I also added Mesh.CreateFromLines() to Rhino WIP. This, in turn, is used in the new _MeshFromLines
V6 Rhino command.