Weather data-Grasshopper


I am a beginner to grasshopper and I am looking for how to find the weather data of a city. (For example, I am looking for weather data for the city of Nimes (France) but unfortunately I have not found these data on the site of EnergyPlus, in this case where can I find these data?

Thank you
I used it in GH and Icarus for Rhino.

Thank you for your answer.

I also use energyplus but I didn’t find the weather data of the city of Nimes and Vienne (France). So where can I find this data?

They might not exist at all. Sweden has only 5 places with such data and they are located in strategic places like airports.

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Here’s an interactive map for downloading epw files…

The same thing.
At the bottom of the page of “” , it’s written: Currently it shows weather files hosted by EnergyPlus Website and One Building.

True, but also:

The goal of the project is to provide a single interface for all the available free .epw weather files.

So, if you know of sources of other epw files, you know more than many other people… :wink:
The ones that are closest are Montpellier and Lyon.

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