We would like to ask for your help in making a number of square pipes

After offsetting the reference line in the direction of the generated vector, I want to create a square pipe.
It works well when about 4 vectors (Y-1) and reference lines (Y-2) are selected. But However, the data tree doesn’t seem to fit when I select all.
Please help me to solve it.
test4.3dm (3.5 MB)
test4.gh (23.0 KB)

Are you talking about the order of the pipes being not sequential?

Yes, that’s right.
I’m just starting out, so I’m very curious how it can be resolved.

if you examine the base curves, you will find out their order is wrong.
The result is actually right, it just follows the order of the curves.

test4 sorting along curve edited V0.gh (22.0 KB)
So the idea is simple, just sort the curves’ sequence before doing anything.

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