Feels silly asking - seems simple enough, but I don’t usually model organic forms, and have made a few cursory tries using sweeps and lofts, without much success. Obviously it’s the spout where I’m getting caugt up.
Goal is 3D printing.
Any suggestions appreciated!
I would do this with a SubD.
Start with a sphere, delete the upper half and drag one of the vertices on the boundary.
Then offset…
Thanks Martin!
I started that way, but folded the top into the bottom, then converted & boolean-subtracted a cube from the bottom to flatten it out.
For whatever reason, I didn’t think offset worked with SubD - so didn’t even try that!
I started with using nurbs, but am having lots of issues with the geometry tearing when (on other objects) using fillets.
Will give this method a shot.
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Hey Martin - I really like the way this looks - but haven’t really dug around in the display settings & can’t figure out how to get it to look like this. I also have the SubD boxes checked, but they don’t show up.
Mind sharing?
thanks again
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The Level 1 Manual has an exercise showing how to do this with NURBS.
Spout in NURBS. Let me know if you have questions.
Bowl Spout DC01.3dm (1.4 MB)
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