Way to jitter list of items before loft

Hi all,

Apologies in advance, I am quite a beginner in grasshopper. I was wondering if there is a way to shuffle a list of curves before being loft.
Currently, I have these rows of circles being loft. But I wanted it to be loft through random circles, not a straight one (the one I sketch in black line)

I found out that the jitter function might be the best option. But the things is, the circles does not have a name, so there is nothing to be shuffled. Therefore it is not working

I spent a lot of hours trying to figure this out but to no avail. Hopefully, some experts here can help me

Thank you in advance guys
I also attached the gh files here.

question.gh (15.4 KB)
question.3dm (214.6 KB)

It is better to Flatten the data to be used for Jitter and Graft it after Jitter.
Also, the three Jitters should be given different Seeds.

question_Re.gh (15.9 KB)



Jitter requires a list of items to be shuffled, but you grafted your input so there is only one item to be shuffled in each branch…

It works if you remove all those graft options, and also change the seed for each component otherwise they would all be shuffled in the same way.

question.gh (16.3 KB)


Oh my! Thank you so much, this is exactly what I need. :scream:
I tried to flatten and graft randomly in every place but no changes. Did not realise that I also have to use different seed numbers.
Thanks again! :sob:

Well noted! Thank you so much! :star_struck: