Walls not "cleaning intersections" in plan view

In the current plan view, the walls do not “clean” their intersections properly. I happen to have a older plan view which shows the proper “cleaning”.

Hi @Julius3 thanks for reporting this issue. We will fix it as soon as possible.

Hi @Julius3 we have fixed this issue in VisualARQ 3.1. There is a RC version available to download here: VisualARQ 3.1 - Release Candidate 1 released

Hi @fsalla , weird bug after I update. The door swing lines when drawn in plan becomes black instead of display colour. Attached a before and after image. (version 3 and version 3.1)

@Julius3 can you share a 3dm file with this problem? I’ll take a look.

Hi @fsalla , I have attached a rhino file with both the default door and a grasshopper style door.

Swing_line_colour_bug.3dm (560.5 KB)

@fsalla I did further testing. It seems like the problem extends to all curves.

@Julius3 this problem has been fixed in the last 3.1 RC2 version. You can download it here: VisualARQ 3.1 - Release Candidate 2 released