Walls, most of the time, are drawn using those two constrains, right now wall by curve has only base and height. Would be great to add a new input for top.
Thank you!
Walls, most of the time, are drawn using those two constrains, right now wall by curve has only base and height. Would be great to add a new input for top.
Thank you!
Until this feature is added, I use this workaround. You just need to set the Parameter Key to: Annotation:Level:Elevation, hope this helps.
Hi @omar.mowafy,
This is not really about the geometry. It’s more about the IFC data let’s say. When you have to specify that a particular wall has a top constrain.
Then let’s hope it’s added soon, or maybe both you and I are missing something. I will let you know if I learn something new, as I am still exploring the tool also.
Added an issue related to this