September 25, 2024, 5:47pm
Is there any way to find this red-marked distance i.e. Wall to a certain object’s specific distance?
Yes, there are many ways to do this.
September 25, 2024, 6:33pm
First dimension point → _QuadrantSnap (the left middle of the toilet)
Second dimension point-> _PerpendicularSnap (the wall)
third click for distance.
check the help for annotations and annotation styles.
Dimension commands create dimensions that annotate length, angle, radius, etc. parallel to the active CPlane. Dimensions are attached to the object by History.
hope this (reading above pages) helps
kind regards -tom
September 25, 2024, 10:54pm
Is there nything that can directly detect the Wall to Fixture distance from Revit?
September 26, 2024, 1:44pm
not seeing much in that way with a quick google search of ‘Revit Api temporary dimensions’, in fact one of the top results is from the Rhino forum…
I’m working on a modeling aid concept that is sort of a hybrid between the Gumball and Revit Temporary Dimensions.
Here’s what the Revit temp dimensions look like:
Here’s a video of my concept (so far):
Both in Revit and Rhino Gumball you can click on the dimension/gumball arrow and manually type a dimension.
The object will then move this amount (in Rhino) and in Revit will move the object the distance from subtracting the current dimension length and the new entered…