I have a Rhino model with surfaces (not horizontals), and I need to model Revit walls from those diaognal surfaces. I just can’t find how to do that.
EDITED: I use Revit 2024 & Rhino 7.
Thank you for your help
Hi Amit,
It’s really important to put your posts in the correct category, the average Grasshopper user isn’t going to know anything about Revit.
Additional information about your environment is good to provide as well. There are a number of Revit versions as well as Rhino versions now being supported. Thanks
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Please see this post (and the one linked in it) for more info on Wall By Surface.
It seems like an old thread, and I can’t find the commands that were used in the attached screenshot as it’s an old version and the graphics have changed.
There are several relevant threads, one is fairly old, are there a particular components you need help identifying?
Can you post a surface and a description of what you wanting to do? Thanks