WACOM zoom/pan not working with Rhino 7 after Sonoma update

I have just had a system update to Sonoma and I am using a Wacom Intous tablet.

For some reason I can’t access the ZOOM/PAN option when right clicking with the pen and pressing ALT or SHIFT and I can not find a way to solve it. Using a normal mouse and right clicking it works it is only with the pen/Wacom.

Has anyone experienced anything similar and found a way out of it?

I could only find some posts from 2019 which no longer apply to the new versions of Rhino.


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I used to use a couple Wacom devices way back in the day.

Check your ‘profile settings/parameters’, make sure they didn’t get wiped or corrupted… Maybe you’ll have to redo them.

The issue you described sounds familiar to me, but I can’t test it.

Usually these issues are resolved by fresh installing, rebooting, or reestablishing settings that should have been fine, but computers like to mess things up so you have to redo them.

Not to mention, cosmic particles like neutrinos actually cause ‘bit flips’ more than ppl realize, and are probably the reason we have to redo things so much; i.e. IT 101 reboot etc.