VS Code - Not Running

Hey all,

Trying to run RhinoCode in VS Code - but not having much luck. I’ve followed the suggestions in the post below. Settings point to the install location, running latest V8.15.

Typing Rhino / Run to Rhino etc - just doesn’t seem to find it.

Any ideas?

Rhino Code in VS Code - Is it still a thing? - Serengeti (Rhino WIP) - McNeel Forum

@Dan_Cornick There is a command in Rhino you’d need to run → StartScriptServer. You can add this to the startup commands to launch the server on Rhino open. We made it this way to Rhino does not do unnecessary work when launching since most people might not want to use this feature.

Hi @eirannejad, I did add that to the startup commands (first screenshot), but didn’t seem to create the link.

I had the same issue and it works on starting runpythonscript on the rhino8 file you wish to run the VScode script on

Tried this too, but only runs the python script itself, but not activates the VS code link.

Oh well, back to just Rhino python editor (which is much better these days!)

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@Dan_Cornick Would you mind checking the vscode Developer Console to see if the RhinoCode plugin prints error messages?

When I browse to RhinoCode in the extensions marketplace, this error pops up.
