Voronoi between two concentric circles

I see. Thanks a lot!

I came up with another question related to this. How would I go about doing the 3D voronoi cross section thing from my other question with this since you cannot use a box as the boundary? I tried something where I set up attractor curves, and used those to change the points’ heights depending on their distance away from the attractors. Then I generated a 3D voronoi diagram around these points, which I then cut through (as you showed me). I guess my question is would be is there a way to get the same density effect when the boundary isn’t a box? I was trying to figure out how to transfer the cell sizes from the plane to the surface that I created. I am trying to conceptualize another approach

I also think conceptual advice would be the most beneficial to me since I am really trying to learn Grasshopper. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!