Hi everyone. New to here and a pretty new rhino v5 user. I am working on a project where I have two mesh shells and need to merge them and take the difference between the two objects. Are there any good tutorials or advice that anyone has in terms of merging the volumes of the two 3D objects because I am not sure where to start?
I understand the boolean subtraction is pretty robust, but it appears as if I may have to select a handful of points on the object so that the alignment/merging is possible.
Thats what I intend to use, however my issue is stemming from aligning or volume merging the two objects over each other. I am not sure whether using mesh or conversion to point cloud is easier and even what to do at that point.
Hi - you shouldn’t have to align the objects in any special way.
You write that “the boolean subtraction is pretty robust”. Rhino is not known for robust Boolean operations on meshes (as opposed to NURBS objects). For Rhino 7, we are in the process of re-writing our code for mesh intersections, trimming, and splitting operations.
Perhaps if you could post your 3dm file, someone might have ideas about how to proceed.
Thanks, that’s good to know. The “robust” comment was one of my colleague’s sayings. I can try to post the 3dm file soon, but in the mean time, would you suggest using something other than a mesh on order to accomplish “alignment of both objects and subtract the remaining volume”
Hi - if you had something other than a mesh available, then yes. But that is probably not the case, I would think. In cases where the meshes are rather simple, you could try the MeshToNURB command and then deal with polysurfaces. With large meshes, this will most likely cause your machine to choke.
Reading back through this thread from the start, I’m not sure what it is that you are trying to do and what issues you are running into when trying that. It would be best if you could post the 3dm file or a simplified version that illustrates what you are doing.