Visualize displacement between two meshes

Hi everyone,

I’d like to visualize the displacement between the two meshes.

Idea is showing gradient color to indicate red as high displacement and small displacement in green.
Approach is calculating the distance of each individual mesh and remap the distance value to gradient color value.
Problem is the red color should be painted at A area instead of B area, because A area is having larger distance value compared to B area. (555.2 KB)

Many thanks in advance.


Hi Shaun,

The colours don’t seem to be set to the correct mesh face.
I don’t know why.
This is my solution:

I’m forcing it to map correctly by only mapping it one to one and then rejoining the mesh.
Lock the solution before you start grafting as I have crashed rhino several times because of the large amount of data it generates.

Thank you, Christopher.

It does work!
I am still quite curious why the colors are not set to the corresponding mesh faces :thinking:


@DavidRutten, Can you have a look at this issue?

I just remembered how meshes work in Rhino.
A colour is assigned to each vertex, not face.

Because mesh colors are not defined by face but are defined by vertices. Do what you are doing but with the mesh verts, not the face area centers.

(Btw if you want mesh face centers use the Face Normals component, it is much faster than exploding and getting area)

@christopher.ho, @Michael_Pryor, Thanks for the tips!