VisualARQ vaSplit with RhinoCommon

I have been using vaSplit and would like to try to automate it a bit for beams because it is getting a bit tedious to have to split the same coped beam multiple times to get what I’m after. I was writing a script that would use the RhinoApp.RunScript method to pass the command to the command line since I don’t think you guys have an api method for it. I was was hoping that you could pass points to the command using obj.Id but from my tests it seems like vaSplit gets the point coordinates from the mouse cursor only. Is there any way that you can pass points to get this working or not…and if not could you I make a request to either be able to pass points to the RhinoApp.RunScript vaSplit command or could you guys make the command apart of the api? Please let me know, thanks

RhinoApp.RunScript($“_vaSplit _SelID {obj.Id} _Enter P {splitPt.Id} _Enter”, false);

Hi @patskorut would it work for you to use a Grasshopper definition like this one?

You can adapt that to be used with the Grasshopper Player and used it as a command.